We are called not to bury our talents, but to develop, nurture, and share them. We are happiest when we are using our gifts. We invite you to pray about sharing your talents and gifts with your SPN parish family.
There are many ways you can get involved at St. Philip Neri-Blessed Sacrament!
The Church, as an ordered communion, needs a structure that provides for the sharing of responsibility through advisement, advocacy, and accomplishment. Pastoral councils are to be consultative in nature, a medium for communication, and models of cooperation and collaboration. The Church prizes pastoral council members who have the ability to study a matter deeply, reflect on it thoroughly, and draw sound conclusions. The term to serve on our St. Philip Neri-Blessed Sacrament Pastoral Council is 3 years.
The Board of Education acts as a policy making group and sounding board for the school principal and the pastor. It is an opportunity to support the administration and have direct input in regards to programs and the building which impacts both the staff and students. We also have input in regards to the parish religious education programs.
The Board consists of nine members (18 years or older). The diversity of talent on the Board allows for progressive brainstorming and follow-through of action steps to consistently offer exceptional educational programs for our parish community.
If you want to get involved with the school’s efforts to provide a quality education, please contact Mrs. Jensen at the school.
Home and School Association
Parental Involvement is a vital part of the Catholic Education offered at St. Philip Neri Elementary School.
The purpose of the Home & School Association is to coordinate the efforts of parents and teachers in the process of Catholic Education. We sponsor activities which bring school parents together and provide them an opportunity to participate along with teachers in the education of their child. Annual membership dues for the Home & School Association are $15 per family.
The funds we raise from dues and other fundraising are given back to the school in the form of classroom supplies, activities or field trips, band benefits for the teaching staff. The Home & School Association also funds a scholarship program.
You can support the Home & School Association by attending two meetings held each school year. Regular business is conducted, then the fall meeting has classroom presentations and the spring meeting includes a guest speaker. Each one is about a two hour time commitment.
Athletic Association
Organizes athletic teams for Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and Track for both St. Philip Neri students as well as parishioner families.
EMAIL MICHELLEKnights of Columbus
The St. Philip Neri Knights of Columbus provide an opportunity for men aged 18 and over to serve their parish, community and families. We support strong parish and family life through active participation in parish activities.
We also provide a wide range of social activities that offer families special time of inexpensive and wholesome recreation – like Movie Knights on Saturdays.
There is a personal dimension of growth and development in faith, friendship and mutual help that is the lived experience of every Knight of Columbus who works at living up to the Order’s expectations. Come join us at our Pancake Breakfasts!
If interested, please contact Tim Kiuntke.
Altar Society
The purpose of the Altar Society shall be to assist the pastor as he directs in matters pertaining to the parish, to promote a sense of family in the parish, and to work together on annual projects such as the Roast Beef Dinner, Bake Sale, Christmas Party and Women’s Retreat.
All women of the parish are members of the Altar society. Active members work in Circles. Inactive members just pay dues.
Circles rotate the presidency, each taking a turn for one year. This year Holy Family (Circle #8) has this responsibility.
If you want to get involved, please contact the parish office.
Pro-Life Committee
The St. Philip Neri Pro-Life Committee strives to educate parishioners and our community with regard to the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death.
Our mission is achieved through prayer and outreach activities. Activities we support include:
– Advent Baby Shower – parishioners are asked to donate baby items to the crib by St. Joseph’s altar in anticipation of our Lord’s birth. These items are then given to a local crisis pregnancy center during the Christmas season
– Life Chain – an annual prayerful protest against abortion where participants hold signs which read “Abortion Kills Children” along 72nd and Dodge Streets
– Vigil for Life – a Mass celebrated by the Archbishop, followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a living rosary walk to the abortion clinic in Bellevue
– Support for Project Rachel – a healing ministry for post-abortive women and their families; as well as many other activities endorsed by the Bishop’s Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities.
The SPN Pro-Life Committee also has access to information for parishioners wishing to know the Church’s official teaching on abortion, contraception, natural family planning, stem cell research, euthanasia and other life issues. These materials are provided by the Bishop’s Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a worldwide Catholic lay organization, leads men and women to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Fredric Ozanam, and patron St. Vincent de Paul. Organized locally, Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice.
The Society collaborates with other people of goodwill in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served, because in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.
The St. Vincent de Paul–St. Philip Neri Conference responds to calls for help within our parish boundaries by person-to-person visits providing material aid such as food, rent, and utility assistance where indicated. Members meet twice monthly on the first and third Thursdays in the Parish Center for prayer and case discussions.
The District Society of St. Vincent de Paul supported by our Conference has stores for the needy throughout our area that stock donated items including furniture, household articles, and clothing given freely or sold at minimal prices, and operates a food pantry, all largely staffed by volunteers.
If interested, please contact Bill Cheese
Funeral Luncheons
This group of ladies prepares and serves a meal after the funeral if requested by the families. They call the parish members for salads and deserts to serve along with a meat tray and relishes. A great opportunity to help others in their time of need.
A committee dedicated to planting flowers and maintaining weed control around the Church grounds. A great way to get involved with the beautification of our church and community.