Catechesis is a responsibility of the entire Christian community. Faith formation has never been more important.
This should not be the work of catechists and priests alone, but of the whole community of the faithful. The Christian community follows the development of catechetical processes, for children, young people and adults, as a duty that involves and binds it directly. (GDC 220)
A fully Christian community can exist only when a systematic catechesis of all its members takes place and when an effective and well developed catechesis of adults is regarded as the central task of the catechetical enterprise. (ACCC, no. 25)
Becoming Catholic (OCIA) is our process for those adults inquiring about becoming Catholic Christians and for Catholics still in need of receiving Confirmation, Reconciliation, or First Communion.
If you, or a loved one, would like to learn more, please contact our Becoming Catholic coordinator, Jodi Phllips.
Religious Education of Children
Formal registration has closed for our 2024-2025 Religious Education Program, but interested families can still inquire about registration by contacting Monica Valles, our bilingual Director of Religious Education (D.R.E.), at 402-451-6622 x804
Religious Education Program Requirements
• This is a faith enrichment program for any children, entering 1st grade through 9th grade.
• It also offers two-year preparation programs for desiring any sacrament and who are not enrolled in a Catholic school or homeschool.
• The tuition fee is $50 per child, with a max fee of $150 per 3 children or more, paid at the time of registration.
• Copies of both birth and baptismal certificates are required for registration.
• Children must be at least 7 years old for their first year of First Communion preparation and at least 12 years old for the first year of Confirmation preparation.
• Those entering a second year of sacramental preparation are still required to register.
• All R.E. parent meetings and R.E. classes will take place in St. Philip Neri Catholic School (8202 N. 31st St., Omaha, NE 68112) on Wednesdays from 6:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Baptism of Infants
The Baptism preparation session conducted in English for expectant parents and parents with unbaptized infants or small children occurs from 2 p.m.-4 p.m. on the First Sunday of every month in the Parish Center (basement) of St. Philip Neri Church.
The next Baptism Preparation Class in English will be Sunday, September 1st, 2024. Participation in one of our preparation classes, either in Spanish or in English, is necessary to schedule a day and time for a Baptism in either HN or SPN churches. Formal registration and participation in the parish is a prerequisite, and pre-registration is further required to attend the class. Please contact the secretary of your respective parish office, Holy Name or St. Philip Neri-Blessed Sacrament, to pre-register.
HighSchool Youth Group
Youth Group UPDATES:
• Wednesday evening youth group will be for High School Youth ONLY. I will be visiting with our 8th grade students in the schools and RE program.
• Our new meeting time for the youth group on Wednesday nights is 7:00 to 9:00 pm. We will start ½ hour earlier, however, you are welcome to arrive at any time.
• Dinner will not be served this year, but we will have snacks
available for everyone. If you can help provide snacks, donate money or gift cards to Bakers or Family Fare, see signup box to the right.
October 9: All High School youth from SPN and HN are invited to join us from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm for food and fun tonight as we continue the new year with our high school-only youth group. Meet in the SPN Parish Center. Use the red door on the west side of the building near the breezeway.
October 16: All High School youth from SPN and HN are invited to join us from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm for food and fun tonight as we continue the new year with our high school-only youth group. Meet in the SPN Parish Center. Use the red door on the west side of the building near the breezeway.
October 27: (Sunday) We will meet at Tom Carney’s farm at 6:00 pm for a bonfire, hot dogs, smores, scary movies, and other fun activities. Meet at 8322 Pawnee Rd, Omaha, NE at 6:00 pm. We will finish at 9:00 pm. Permission forms will be handed out at Youth Group.
October 30: Youth Group does NOT meet tonight.
About us
Young Adult Ministry
October 11: Join us at 7:30 pm at St. Cecilia Cathedral for an evening of Adoration and fellowship with young adults across the archdiocese. Young adults, ages 21-39, are welcome to join. This event is always the 2nd Friday of the month.
October 17: Young Adult Game Night. Meet in the SPN Church at 6:30 pm for a rosary, and then head to the SPN parish center for a game night at 7:00 pm. Bring a snack to share. Everyone welcome.
PUBS: This “pick-up Bible study” requires no preparation or commitment. All are welcome to come on the weeks they can without the fear be falling behind. Check out the PUBS slack channel to learn more about when this group meets!
Sand Volleyball: Come play sand volleyball with us onMondays at 7:00pm at Papio Bay Aquatic Center! Keep an eye on the Sports Slack channel for updates on weather cancelations.
For other events in the Omaha area, please go to the
Omaha Young Adults website.